Feel free to comment and have me ask about your interests, or ask me about more of my interests. Here are the ones Chelsey asked about:
Being in your Brainspace
I like to get in people's heads and mess around with their thoughts with my grubby mitts. Also refers to those moments where you seem to be thinking the same thing as someone else and have to tell them to "GTFO MY BRAIN FUCKER." I like those moments.
Dramatics and Hystericals
Generally being extremely extravagant, over the top, dramatic and over-emotional, in an entirely fraudulent way. If I'm crying buckets and wailing, you know I'm putting it on, but it's fun to do sometimes, as is totally over-reacting to something. I swing between excessive reactions and totally cold-blooded detachment. It's a funny life.
Existentialist Fashion
This is a term I coined, slightly awkwardly...The existential dilemma is that we have existence before essence, i.e. we come into this world with no real function. Similarly, I prefer to wear clothes that have no function, whereas some people pick their clothes for a purpose: to present an image, for a practical reason and so on. People don't tend to believe me, but any coherency between different items of clothing I wear, or indeed any links between my clothing and already established styles, is purely coincidental.
Gender Bending
I like to cultivate a suspicious androgyny. I have been wearing boys' clothes from a young age, combining it with long hair. I'm a confuser.
Hyperspace and Higher Dimensions
This is an obsession that stems from Michio Kaku's wonderful book "Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through The Tenth Dimension", which I heavily reccommend. I love the idea there there are other dimensions than the usually accepted three-plus-time, especially when you can bring in ideas like Santa being a fourth-dimensional being.
Josh. I like his hands. Allow me to demonstrate:
I just like hands. Especially long, slim, guitar-playing hands.
Paper with Words on
I.E. Books. Which form the main foundations of my mental fort.
Well that killed an hour. Comment, ask back, sacrifice small animals etc.