Nov 29, 2007 18:35
I effectively ended the school week at eleven this morning, which is kind of mega...There's a performance of The Boyfriend for the middle schools tomorrow, which doesn't start until twelve thirty, but for some reason we've been taken off timetable for the whole day. All my lessons are in the morning anyway, so technically I could go, but who turns down a lie-in when it's offered on a plate?
Recently I've been struck with the fact that in the real world, offline, I don't really like many people. I mean, I've always said I hate humanity, but that's a humanity thing; generally the human race is completely unfright. But it's kind of whacked me out to realise that even people I know on a day to day basis, I mostly despise, and not usually for any good reason. I'm not saying this is something I don't like about myself, or I want to change it, the realisation just startled me a little. I mean, not many people seem to like me so it doesn't particularly matter.
I've also been developing my own vocabulary all of a sudden and mostly I have no idea where any of it is coming from, or why it's happening, but some new words and phrases have crept in there and spurt from my mouth without me really meaning to. Slang I've picked up from books, mixed with bits of Nadsat and bits of IngSoc. So a lot of people now think I'm deliberately being obscure. They can think that.
Christmas wishes friends? Even if you dislike the festive season, you must have one or two.
Over and Out.
people are cunts,
being pretentious,
i have problems