Jan 21, 2004 16:14
only two things are guaranteed in life, we live and we die, what happens inbetween is up to you
yes that quote I found in my friends away message. I love it, because it is so true. I was thinking about it the other day. Life is what u make of it. After all that has happened I've decided (with some outside help, thank you!!!) I'm going to look posativly on the world. I want to live a good life, I don't want to ruin it, I want to be happy, and by thinking posative I will do this. I know this means I won't have bad days, and I won't be hurt a long the way, but all those things add the the joy of life. You can not feel true joy unless u have also felt pain. (some really smart guys said something like that but I forgot who) I've been happy lately, and I like it, it's like being high, or that could be the lack of sleep talking, or the cocaine talking.....or both. lol. well anyways it's funny cuz every day I talk to my mom and I always have some funny story about samir, cuz he's just a funny kid, and now every day my mom asks what the story of the day is, lol. Well I g2g for now ta ta children!