Jul 11, 2008 15:23
I'm trying to clean right now...well not RIGHT now...but I was.
Whenever I clean I start to do one thing, then remember that before I can get that thing organized, I have to organize something else first, and so on and so forth.
It's rather messy in my apartment right now...
The kitchen is clean finally...but...everything else looks a mess. TxT
Gah...the apartment is so lonely without Mat here....Its not so much that Mat isn't here, it's that I'm the ONLY ONE HERE....
Thought I would like Mat to be here most...-n- He'll be gone until Sunday, off visiting a friend in Pensacola, and while I'm glad he treasures his friendships so much that he would drive all the way up there to visit her, and that he was so excited to go and see her....I really wish he was here.
Granted, I wouldn't take this trip away from him for anything, because I know it would have made him unhappy if I had begged him to stay ( I did suggest it a few times...jokingly of course), and that he would have felt guilty if he hadn't of gone...
I just feel so LONELY!!! D: