mother fucking chad sissine

Nov 18, 2003 21:08

Chad Sissine (8:27:20 PM): did you know that 50 percent of strap on dildos are sold to couples?
Chad Sissine (8:27:23 PM): so that means
Chad Sissine (8:27:28 PM): there are some guys out there that like to have their woman
Chad Sissine (8:27:30 PM): fuck them in the ass
Chad Sissine (8:27:35 PM): i wonder if that makes they gay or not...
Chad Sissine (8:27:38 PM): *them
swayzebeatsvomit (8:27:45 PM): hahahaha
swayzebeatsvomit (8:27:47 PM): god damnit chad
swayzebeatsvomit (8:27:52 PM): where did you get this information
Chad Sissine (8:27:57 PM): lol
Chad Sissine (8:28:02 PM): my uncle bought me
Chad Sissine (8:28:06 PM): the Guide to getting it on
Chad Sissine (8:28:09 PM): for my b day
Chad Sissine (8:28:12 PM): 700 page book on sex
Chad Sissine (8:28:16 PM): and everything to do with sex
swayzebeatsvomit (8:28:32 PM): haha
Chad Sissine (8:28:39 PM): ima be a good lay....
Chad Sissine (8:28:40 PM): lol
swayzebeatsvomit (8:28:46 PM): yeah man
swayzebeatsvomit (8:28:51 PM): that's 700 pages
Chad Sissine (8:28:58 PM): hehehe
swayzebeatsvomit (8:29:31 PM): i fucking hate adelphia cable commercials
Chad Sissine (8:30:44 PM): haha
Chad Sissine (8:30:46 PM): i canceled cable
swayzebeatsvomit (8:30:51 PM): bad move chad
Chad Sissine (8:30:51 PM): because i was wasting time watching it
Chad Sissine (8:30:54 PM): lol why?
Chad Sissine (8:30:57 PM): it's such a waste of time
swayzebeatsvomit (8:31:01 PM): you cant see that shitty movie valentine anymore
swayzebeatsvomit (8:31:05 PM): man that moview as brilliant
Chad Sissine (8:32:09 PM): lol
Chad Sissine (8:32:16 PM): i watched a movie
Chad Sissine (8:32:17 PM): called umm
Chad Sissine (8:32:19 PM): (thinking)
Chad Sissine (8:32:23 PM): it was a foreign film
Chad Sissine (8:32:36 PM): no man's land
swayzebeatsvomit (8:32:39 PM): oh yeah
swayzebeatsvomit (8:32:41 PM): ive never seen that
Chad Sissine (8:32:43 PM): like 3 guys got caught in a ditch
Chad Sissine (8:32:46 PM): ah
Chad Sissine (8:32:48 PM): you should watch it
Chad Sissine (8:32:51 PM): i wont tell you the ending...
Chad Sissine (8:33:00 PM): like have you heard of it?
swayzebeatsvomit (8:33:29 PM): nope
Chad Sissine (8:33:36 PM): oh
Chad Sissine (8:33:39 PM): well then they all kill eachother
Chad Sissine (8:33:41 PM): at the end
Chad Sissine (8:33:46 PM): so you watch this movie and everyone just dies
Chad Sissine (8:33:51 PM): one guy gets stuck on a mine
Chad Sissine (8:33:57 PM): and that's like the plot.. everyone is trying to get him off
Chad Sissine (8:34:09 PM): the UN comes and shit and fakes saving the guy
Chad Sissine (8:34:12 PM): like for the media
Chad Sissine (8:34:14 PM): and he's just left there to die
Chad Sissine (8:34:19 PM): kind of depressing
Chad Sissine (8:34:26 PM): haha
Chad Sissine (8:34:29 PM): some guys have gotten broken noses
Chad Sissine (8:34:44 PM): from their women pulling their head between their legs
Chad Sissine (8:34:48 PM): like before orgasm
swayzebeatsvomit (8:34:52 PM): haha damnit
Chad Sissine (8:34:55 PM): lol and like
Chad Sissine (8:34:58 PM): with the woman on top
Chad Sissine (8:34:59 PM): if you fall out
Chad Sissine (8:35:04 PM): and your dick hits somewhere and it cant go in
Chad Sissine (8:35:06 PM): you could break a ligament
Chad Sissine (8:35:13 PM): so then you'll only get like half a boner if you dont get treatment
Chad Sissine (8:35:20 PM): (right away treatment)
Chad Sissine (8:35:26 PM): imagine like
Chad Sissine (8:35:30 PM): 8 inch dick
swayzebeatsvomit (8:35:30 PM): you're getting too much information from that book
Chad Sissine (8:35:34 PM): first 4 inches are hard
Chad Sissine (8:35:40 PM): last 4 droop
Chad Sissine (8:35:41 PM): how bad
Chad Sissine (8:35:44 PM): hehehe
swayzebeatsvomit (8:36:00 PM): that would be fucking terrible
Chad Sissine (8:36:06 PM): lol
Chad Sissine (8:36:07 PM): i know...
Chad Sissine (8:36:15 PM): lol and you should also
Chad Sissine (8:36:19 PM): be able to lay naked next to your lover
Chad Sissine (8:36:23 PM): with your penis on her naked body
Chad Sissine (8:36:27 PM): and not feel like you have to perform
Chad Sissine (8:36:33 PM): or some shit
swayzebeatsvomit (8:36:41 PM): what does that mean
Chad Sissine (8:36:42 PM): like getting naked shouldnt mean you have to have sex..
Chad Sissine (8:36:57 PM): lemee find the chapter
Chad Sissine (8:36:59 PM): hehe
swayzebeatsvomit (8:37:18 PM): damnit
Chad Sissine (8:38:23 PM): 'your first orgasm'
Chad Sissine (8:38:32 PM): 'with a vibrator at age 38! finally!'
swayzebeatsvomit (8:38:40 PM): hahahaha
Chad Sissine (8:38:48 PM): how bad!!
Chad Sissine (8:38:49 PM): lol
Chad Sissine (8:38:54 PM): 38 years and no orgasm
swayzebeatsvomit (8:39:52 PM): hey man
swayzebeatsvomit (8:40:05 PM): hey
Chad Sissine (8:40:11 PM): hey
Chad Sissine (8:40:13 PM): man...
swayzebeatsvomit (8:40:16 PM): it happens
Chad Sissine (8:40:21 PM): i suppose so
Chad Sissine (8:40:27 PM): must have had a bunch of bad lovers..
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