Geoff and I finished Orange is the New Black last night.
Holy moley. That show just gets better and better.
Now we have to wait six months for the next season, but at least it drops all at once! I was talking with a friend yesterday about the way dropping a whole season at once like that might be taking pressure off the creators, because they don't have to justify themselves to TPTB every time their ratings wobble; we've all seen so many shows canceled abruptly in midseason that would have been (even more) amazing if they'd just been given a chance to hit their stride. (Firefly. Nothing Sacred. EZ Streets, oh god I weep for that show.) And OitNB has been renewed for three more seasons, which I don't know how ironclad that commitment is, but with any luck it gives the creators the freedom to pull out the stops in the next two seasons however they want, without fear of having the rug yanked out from under them. I can't wait.
But I'll have to, so in the meantime I'll start getting excited for the Sense8 Christmas special...
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