spirituality of the body

Jan 26, 2016 16:52

Some of you may remember how, just over a year ago, I won a raffle to choose a sermon topic at my church, and I chose "spirituality of the body, fleshly spirituality." Well, the minister finally gave that sermon this past Sunday! And before it, as part of the service, I read Asher Yatzar / Blessing for the Body:

Blessed are You, Adonai, source of all being,
who formed the human body with wisdom
and created within us various openings and closings.
It is known before Your throne of glory
that if one of these were to be open where it should be closed,
or closed where it should be opened,
we would not be able to stand before You and offer praise.
Blessed are You, Adonai,
healer of all flesh and worker of miracles!

[This Jewish blessing, which originates in the Talmud, is traditionally recited upon going to the bathroom.]

Some people said they'd be interested in the eventual sermon; if you are, you can read a slightly expurgated version, or listen to the unexpurgated audio, at this page on the church's website. Enjoy!

(Sadly, the website can't let you join the spontaneous dancing in the aisles to accordion music that followed the sermon...)

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