In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Bang the guy who lives next door.
Get your resolution here Musical theatre rehearsals aren't as crazy-stressful as I thought they'd be. HOORAH! I'm having a fabulous time :D
Shweeet....yeaaah. I'm trying to think of something remotely interesting about my day...hermmmm...
Well, Biology is such a joke. *snigger*stupidpeoplearefunny*snigger*
I (sorta) flashed Danielle and others in the girls bathroom. Tee hee?
Jesse Kramer, I don't know where I'd be without your backrubs...oh, and you, of course. ;)
Leslie Byerly, "I had a bigger banana last night!" Everyone: OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Yes, I do think of everything in a sexual light.
I feel so strange right now. I'm just this strange combination of exhaustion and hyperness. Don't know how that works out.
Lots of homework to be done! Read about Tess, that whore. Math. Two sections for history and an outline. Okay, that's not very much at all. Wooh. Ashna, do we have a quiz on Tess tomorrow? I should probably find my calendar.
Later dudes.