Oh Constantine Are You Cutting Yourself to Voltaire Again?

Feb 21, 2005 22:20

Let's do a little posty post of a conversation between me and the Tammy.

Moi - "Maybe I should become one of those bastards with a callused heart" Aw Tammy, you're so emo.
Moi - j/k
Tam-tam - I just want to be like you
Tam-tam - lol
Moi - lol, everyone does eventually
Me again - when they see it's inevitable
Tammy - NNNOOO not on my fantasy planet that I live on
Me - oh well...whenever you need a guide on how not to give a flying fuck I'll be in the dark corner, smoking and eating a bloody steak...bring coke

Yesh, yesh that's basically me all the time. Still wanna be friends?

Anyway. Today sucked donkey balls, and what a donkey it was. Basically I'm really frustrated with school, I wouldn't drop out but if I had the chance to get my GED and just cut out all this grief and bullshit I would do so in a heartbeat. Usually grades don't get to me because (as you might have noticed) I could care less. But now when I fail at something or forget to turn in work, it effects me way more then it ever did before. I'm actually disappointed in myself and feel like a fucking moron. Add that stress plus the reminder of dysfunctional family relationships and my ever growing frustration with people and I'm a little ray of sunshine to be around.

Sheava - "Stop bitching shea."
Shea - "But what else is a life journal for?"
Sheava - "Good point...still, stop."
Shea - "Can't make me sheave, you didn't have any rolls today."
Sheava - "That's because you hid them all you FUCKER!"
Sheava - ::powers of the roll::
Shea ::zapped::

Anybody else freaked out?

Had a conversation with Renae and now Thursday I'm going hooker hunting. No shit. We're going with a church group to save some prostitutes from a life of sin. How fucking awesome is that? Tell me you wouldn't watch a show on tv that catch all this juicy photage. You tell me. I want to go so I can be the girl in black standing in the background as these bitches get shot but I guess I'll also be there so protect my jesus loving buddies. If necessary though I'll just used vikki as a human shield and bust my way out of there. They might be protected by the hand of God but I'm not.

"Looks like somebody hasn't got your back anymore," -Satan

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