Nov 29, 2016 21:59
So... I'm in the process of packing up my life to move to the new place but of course,.. Like everything in my life- NOTHING must go smoothly.
I had spoken to the lady who will soon be my land lord on Sunday and had to do allot of sweet talking to convince the dear lady that I would be able to give her the deposit on the property this week and though I would not be moving into my new ghetto house until the 3rd week of December, I would be able to give her another grand during the 2nd week of December to secure my move in as well as make the place mine while slowing dropping off all my shit. The sale of the house would be complete by the 21st and I expected to get my big payout within that third week. Everything was falling into place, I was finally starting to feel at peace... and then of course the Fuckhole dropped me a text as I was heading out the door from work yesterday.
" We still need to make the December payment on the house."
Ya... that wasn't going to happen. I just don't have that kind of money sitting around unless I decided to give up the rental place all together. OR I could pay the house payment and be homeless since I wouldn't have the money for the rental.
I called the realtor when I got home and received even more upsetting news. While I might be able to skip the house payment and then turn around and pay it to the bank AFTER the sale of the house and not take a ding on my credit- due to all the American holidays going on between November and December, the actual closing date o the house wouldn't be until January. " I told Jeremy this," The realtor tells me. Well the fucking arsehole failed to tell me and I have made arrangements to be out of here before it has to happen and have already planned on having the cash I needed to pay other people off. He truly is the fucking bad news gift that keeps on giving. I Don't know how I am going to swing this. I need to find someone I can borrow from who will be willing to allow me to pay them back with interest in January.
Arriving home from work tonight I opened the back door and noticed almost immediately that something was different in the house. Ah... all the art work on the walls has been removed... all the warm and fluffy throw pillows on the chairs, the warm and inviting candles,- all the things the realtor had placed about for staging. He has started to remove pieces of the house he had placed for staging and though they are not mine, I have become accustome to seeing them so in a small way it feels like I am being broke up with once again. The house is starting to feel less like a home and it's hitting me that soon I will be completely on my own.
I called him to tease him about this and to let him know that in his shuffle he has managed to also take some of my own personal artwork in the process. He picks up and tells me, "You arent going to believe this... you know the first realtor that placed a bid? The one we turned down their offer?"
ME" the people I told you I had a bad feeling about? Ya... I remember them"
I know at the moment that they have been requesting compies of all the current bidders and I's paperwork and are looking for any flaws in order to go after and sue my current realtor should one "T" not be crossed...
BRETT" Ya.. that guy... well I came out to my garage yesterday morning and someone had shot out all the windows on my garage so I went to my neighbors house, who happens to have up security cameras, and asked if I could watch the video and see if I could find out who did this to my house and guess what I saw? The fucking realtor who we turned down! Sadly it doesn't capture him doign the actual shooting but it does show him driving up to my house at 1:35 in the morning and then driving away. I know for a fact that he lives out there by you snf no where near me so he has no reason to even be in my area at that time of the morning. I had to call the police and they are coming out tomorrow morning to look at the tape and take a report."
WTF? Who does that shit? At the same time I have had someone constantly trying to hack into my email account since we turned him down and my phoen tells me each time someone attempts it. I have to wonder if it is him since I had been copied on every email he sent.
BRETT: One more kinda funny thing... I emailed your ex this morning to tell him some info on the sale of the house and I got a reply from him that was strange. It was something rather steamy so I can only assume it was meant for the woman he is having the affair with. He closed with saying something to the effect of ' thats why I love you so much'. HAHA I am sure he was imbarrassed when he realised he sent it to the wrong person."
That DID make me laugh!
I texted MR Laguna to tell him about the day I have been having and was sad to get a quick reply that simply stated, "My dad had a heart attack today, at hospital. Will talk to you tomorrow. XO"
I feel horrible for him. I wish more than anything I could be there for him but I will not take it upon myself to just show up at his house. I just wish more than anything I could cuddle him and give him any comfort he could possibly need.
I also heard from my first husband today which was a surprise. my soul mate, his grandmother, is in the hospital as well. She is 96 but her mind is still sharp as ever and we normally speak every weekend. I was hoping that after the sale of the house I might be able to fly home to England and spend some time with her as its been entirely too long since I have seen her. He is heading back there on the 9th and I gave thought to going with him but I know its not in budget, nor would his current girlfriend be too happy to have me traveling with him when she is staying behind.
Way too much to worry and think about at the moment.
mr laguna,