Worst Date : The second worst date came close on the heels of the 1st one. He was always a busy guy and having a phone conversation with him at times seemed impossible. This guy came from an extremely large family and no sooner would we begin a conversation than we would be interrupted by a sibling or parent who seemed oblivious to the fact he was on the phone. (This has always been one of my biggest pet peeves that my own father can't seem to grasp. It can be stone silent at their house with each parent in separate rooms from one another, busy at work or at play on something that required no help but the minute I either arrived or called their house, my father must instantly be in the same room as my mother. "Who you talking to? What are you doing? Honey, can you help me with this?" It NEVER fails) I hate being in the middle of a conversation that is being balanced between multitasking. I would much rather have a call back when things have reached normal once again but these days never seem to come.
With our date looming I made but one major request. Because his family already seemed to be intertwined with our 'getting to know you time', I wanted to make it perfectly clear that I did NOT wish to meet his family on this first date. Though the prospect a large family seemed fun on Disney Movies- I was not ready for that PG rated moment , I just did not see myself joining a brood of that proportion when I didn’t even decided if I would like this guy . "it isn’t that I don’t like them already, I just feel its unfair to meet someone's family right up front as no one knows where this is going to go." Because he seemed to be joined at the hip with his family and speak of them nonstop, I had to make it PERFECTLY clear, "I mean it. Don’t try to spring them on me, I will be beyond pissed and never speak to you again"
"do you have any other request I should know about?" he joked. I figured since it was out there I might as well come clean,"Yeah... I know we were talking about going to the movies so I think you should know that I hate showing up to them late." "The only thing you miss is the previews," he laughed. "The previews are PART of the movies for me. I need to know what’s playing or coming to the theater soon near me.”
He picked me up for the date and we started on our way when he suddenly announced he had forgotten his wallet at home. It would only take a minute to swing by and get it. He lived out in the middle of nowhere (which is practically impossible in Riverside) off a road covered in tiny pebbles and rocks and there in the middle of this nothingness was a large Victorian house .I would have refused to come in with him but this land was that of a Steven King novel.
The house was dark and I was thankful that his family did not appear to be spread out and in action. Inside the main entry I was surprised to find a Christmas tree fully decorated with lights on. This was a summer night and the tree was completely out of place. A step farther and I noticed the living room off to the side also had a full blow Christmas tree and every surface was decorated for the holiday- a man’s office stood with the door ajar and as I peered in without wanting to touch anything, I saw 2 more Christmas trees. These people were crazy. “I’m up here,” my date announced calling me up the stairs, I was all to ready to be out of this place already.
Upstairs I walked into his room to find it looking like a mini Santa’s work shop with colorful children’s style beds (yes plural), Benches, children’s chaulk boards, etc. But what really drew my eye was at ceiling level. There was this wide lip that went around the entire length of the room and at the end of each wall was a cut out tunnel. Just as I was contemplating what the hell this thing was, a small train came whipping thru on it. My date told me this was how they communicated within their house. You could call the train and send a note or something small thru to another location on the train. (as an adult now I think “wow.. cool Idea” but at the time it was just one more thing that told me this guy was not right in the head) . Without warning a trap door from the ceiling came down lowering a latter and out popped a few children, curious about their brothers date. From other parts of the house I could hear the family begin to come from hiding spots chattering away. I mad haste to the car. I had been duped and I was NOT happy about it.
The date continued to a $1 theater with a list of last years hits playing and as we arrived the previews were coming to a close. I announced that this date wasn’t working for me and wanted to go home. Instead he took me to a Denny’s and tried to convince me on how we would be good together. I sat thru 2 cups of coffee where he continued to list why I should date him. I told him it had only been a week of talking on the phone, this guy didn’t even know me! “I know you,” he announced and proceeded to list the things he thought he knew about me. He was more then 100% off saying I was a shy woman who liked country music (misreading my combat boots for shit kickers). I sadly had to put this guy in his place as it felt that if I didn’t I would never be allowed to go home.