Your mommas so fat....

Nov 23, 2005 08:44

[music| Clint Eastwood, Gorillaz]

I was thinking about forming a walking group, or alternatively, if a few peeps want to join a gym with me (who is considering it heavily) we could work out together. Especially since its the winter, I favor the idea, but I know that plenty of people are too cheap to join a gym. But maybe I can convince a few people. Maybe I'll bring it up to a few people on Sunday or Monday. I know this is expensive times we're living in, but I need to work out and I need motivation and moral support. Now that I have friends and shit, who better to ask? Plus I know some really cheap area gyms. I would be annoyed to drive so far, but if its to hang out with friends and pump some iron or uh...something, then why not?
There are many problems with the idea, but maybe we can work something out. *hopeful*
Okay, I have to get ready for work. Peace out yo.
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