(no subject)

Nov 08, 2005 18:20

i love troy. troy, troy, troy.

i would say i love frankie but it dosnt work with him name lol.

i can use paul.

i love paul. paul, paul, paul.

lol i love talking to troy and frankie.

Raizncain: oh yeah
Raizncain: good point
Raizncain: smart thinking
Raizncain: lol
Elvish Girl988: lol thank you
Raizncain: no never mind
Raizncain: you smart
Raizncain: lol
Raizncain: jk
Elvish Girl988: that wasnt very nice lol
Raizncain: lol
Raizncain: no jk
Raizncain: man if you find out you will be my hero

Elvish Girl988: boo!!! did i scare you?
Raizncain: no
Raizncain: lol
Elvish Girl988: darn
Raizncain: i will hook you up with paul

Raizncain: so ready for wrestling season
Elvish Girl988: i cant wait!!! are you wrestling?
Raizncain: i am going to come over to your house for brownies one day
Raizncain: yup
Elvish Girl988: yay! another wrestler lol
Raizncain: lol
Raizncain: yup
Raizncain: you like wrestling season because tons of guys come over to your house
Raizncain: lol
Elvish Girl988: lol thats not very nice cuz no matter which way i answer it its going to come out wrong
Raizncain: yup
Raizncain: lol
Elvish Girl988: evil!
Raizncain: lol
Raizncain: that is me
Elvish Girl988: evil
Elvish Girl988: lol
Elvish Girl988: thats all i can say
Raizncain: lol
Raizncain: good anwser
Raizncain: lol
Elvish Girl988: ok , i'm bored... entertaine me
Raizncain: i would strip tease
Raizncain: but i am not at your house
Raizncain: lol
Raizncain: jk
Elvish Girl988: that was horrible!!
Elvish Girl988: lol
Raizncain: lol
Raizncain: what is horrible
Raizncain: you know you would like it

Raizncain: lets hope that there are alot of slow dances
Raizncain: lol
Raizncain: jk
Elvish Girl988: lol aww thats so cute
Elvish Girl988: i dont want that many slow songs tho... i dont care for slow songs that much
Raizncain: lol
Raizncain: not cute

Raizncain: well gtg
Raizncain: bye
Elvish Girl988: cu8ter!
Raizncain: lots of love
Elvish Girl988: smooches!

Elvish Girl988: so how was your day?
Troy7Boy089: kinda boring
Troy7Boy089: urs?
Elvish Girl988: its been pretty fun
Elvish Girl988: i did the future freshmen thing, cuz we have to do our cheer dance, and then i went to the mall with my dad cuz i couldnt get a hold of britt or anything else to go
Troy7Boy089: haha
Troy7Boy089: isnt it weird to go to the mall with ur parent
Elvish Girl988: not really, lol they buy me stuff
Troy7Boy089: u shoulda asked me to go
Troy7Boy089: i was so bored
Elvish Girl988: i don thave your number
Elvish Girl988: or i would have
Troy7Boy089: i dont even have a cell phone
Troy7Boy089: just whats in the buzz book
Elvish Girl988: ahh, i'll have to add it to my cell
Troy7Boy089: i think its like
Troy7Boy089: 481-9291
Troy7Boy089: thats either me or josh sawaya
Elvish Girl988: lol
Troy7Boy089: no thats me
Troy7Boy089: josh is 482
Elvish Girl988: thats how i remember my friends number cuz mine starts as 722 and hers starts as 277
Troy7Boy089: haha yea
Troy7Boy089: sweet this week is shorter
Troy7Boy089: 4 days
Elvish Girl988: i know!!!
Elvish Girl988: i was debating on having a party friday or saturday but i have the musical that i'm in so i dont think i'll be able to

Elvish Girl988: i can see if i can thave on either friday after the musical or saturday... my mom and dad normally dont care
Troy7Boy089: that would be sweet
Troy7Boy089: ive never ben to ur house
Elvish Girl988: everyone loves my house.... lol especially Seltz lol i think my house is boring
Troy7Boy089: is ur basement finished?
Elvish Girl988: yea.. as fisished as its ever going to be lol
Elvish Girl988: were just redoing our bathroom down there
Troy7Boy089: thats sweet
Troy7Boy089: my basement smells like weed and its always flooded
Elvish Girl988: lol
Elvish Girl988: ours used to flood and sometimes still does so we dont have carpet anymore
Troy7Boy089: thats cool
Troy7Boy089: is the dance friday or saturday
Elvish Girl988: oh yea thats right! the dance is friday!
Elvish Girl988: i could have one after the dance maybe

Elvish Girl988: it should! it sucks that after sadies there are no more except prom, which i'm deff not going ot this year lol
Troy7Boy089: yea there should def be more
Troy7Boy089: like icebreakers2
Troy7Boy089: haha
Elvish Girl988: lol
Troy7Boy089: that one drew freshman asked rosa to harvest lol
Troy7Boy089: she had to tell him its not a ask to thing
Elvish Girl988: lol thats funny!
Elvish Girl988: steven sheild or however you spell his name the anoying freshmen asked allison to the dance
Troy7Boy089: lmao really?
Troy7Boy089: what did she say
Elvish Girl988: she said yes, she was like he did the whole puppy dog face and i'm like your an ass hole! lol
Troy7Boy089: haha
Troy7Boy089: there such a cute couple
Troy7Boy089: lol
Elvish Girl988: lol they actually are but allison has a bf outside of school lol
Troy7Boy089: ohh
Troy7Boy089: isnt she me popular
Troy7Boy089: ms*
Troy7Boy089: haha
Elvish Girl988: lol excapt for half the school hates her
Troy7Boy089: more then half...
Troy7Boy089: lol
Elvish Girl988: lol
Troy7Boy089: isnt she the type to cut her wrists
Elvish Girl988: shes an attention wanter, anything that will get her attention she'll try, shes also a pathological liar
Troy7Boy089: ohh really
Troy7Boy089: example?
Elvish Girl988: basically if you hot water heater didnt work, her shower was broke and she had to go to some guys house for a shower and was late for her ride to school and a bunch of crap
Elvish Girl988: *8your
Elvish Girl988: anything that happens to you, has to have happened to her 10 times worse
Troy7Boy089: ohh i get it
Troy7Boy089: yea frankie is the same way
Troy7Boy089: like everything that i do
Troy7Boy089: he says he can do it better
Elvish Girl988: lol
Elvish Girl988: yea it gets annying
Elvish Girl988: thats why i dont really talk to her, but i still hang out with britt, kelly... now shes ok most of the time but i can only take so much of her
Troy7Boy089: yea i understand
Troy7Boy089: i dont think i kno kelly lol
Troy7Boy089: who is she
Elvish Girl988: the one that hangs out with britt alot and had dark brown hair and really big boobs lol shes in your art class
Elvish Girl988: **has
Troy7Boy089: ohh lol
Troy7Boy089: nice description lol

Troy7Boy089: yes maam
Troy7Boy089: not as cute as u and whitikar
Troy7Boy089: lol i had to say it
Elvish Girl988: ewww!!!
Elvish Girl988: never say that again!!
Troy7Boy089: ok fine
Troy7Boy089: not as cute as u and kyle
Elvish Girl988: ewww!!! no not that either!!!
Troy7Boy089: i think one time i was sittin with u and he came over and like grabed ur head
Troy7Boy089: u were like wtf
Elvish Girl988: for some strange reason the guys that like me wind up to be the freakishly stalkerish guys. whitaker, kyle and Darrell
Troy7Boy089: whose darrel?
Elvish Girl988: he lives in my neighborhood, his friend matt is really cute, but darrell was like obsessed with me and over my house everyday and calling my everynight
Elvish Girl988: he tried calling me his boo, i was like you call me that again i'll never talk to you again
Troy7Boy089: LMAO!
Troy7Boy089: i can picture like witkar and kyle callin u boo
Elvish Girl988: ew!
Elvish Girl988: never!
Elvish Girl988: no!
Troy7Boy089: haha
Troy7Boy089: they are pretty annoying
Elvish Girl988: they are, but kyles not obsessed with me anymore!!! yay! *does happy dance*

Troy7Boy089: haha thats good
Elvish Girl988: yea, he was starting to freak me out, cuz he was acting like Ian when Ian and Ashlee broke up, and he talks to Ian, so he was writing me notes saying how much he loved me while i was going out with jon
Troy7Boy089: jon? lol
Troy7Boy089: the guys keep piling up
Elvish Girl988: poor jon, he was so completely nervous.. it just didnt work out lol
Troy7Boy089: haha did u intimidate him
Elvish Girl988: no, hes never had a gf before so he was really nervous, but after a month and a half and him never going anywhere with me except hc it was like screw it, its not going to happen
Troy7Boy089: haha thats too bad
Troy7Boy089: uve had a good run with boys lol
Elvish Girl988: yea right, i have bad luck with guys. thats why i've given up, i'm just like their fun to hang outwith but after that its to anoying and complicated and so far its never worked out
Troy7Boy089: haha well dont give up
Troy7Boy089: u kno what happened with me earlier this year?
Troy7Boy089: with sarah macomber
Elvish Girl988: what happened?
Troy7Boy089: well we like started to go out and stuff
Troy7Boy089: but sum people said sum things then i said sum things and she got mad lol its a long story
Elvish Girl988: aww, i'm sure cant be that long of a story, i mean look at me and cj.. now thats a novel its self without all the other people that were involved
Troy7Boy089: haha
Troy7Boy089: well sum people basically told me that she was using me
Troy7Boy089: so i called her sum bad things
Troy7Boy089: she was told what i said
Troy7Boy089: we took a break
Troy7Boy089: and i doubt thats ever gunna start again
Troy7Boy089: were just friends now
Elvish Girl988: at least your friends. cj used me as his rebound girl, and then hangs out with me for the weekend and dosnt talk to me during school. when i asked him why he was like i like hangin gout with you outside of school but during school its weird
Elvish Girl988: i'm like i wonder why its weird, he still like vicky, but shes over him, andhe still like Sam(the junior) and shes one of my good friends and tells me everything and she lives with britt who is also a good friend of mine
Troy7Boy089: i have herd alot of bad stuff about cj
Elvish Girl988: some of its true some of it isnt
Elvish Girl988: and the whole thing with me and him has been going on for 2 fricken years i know more about him and most people want to know... and most if it i didnt want to know lol
Troy7Boy089: haha
Troy7Boy089: uve had a really bad run with guys lol
Elvish Girl988: i do! thats why i give up! and even tho i say that i never really do giveup
Troy7Boy089: haha i didnt think so
Elvish Girl988: yea.. its kinds hard to give up lol especially when i tend to flirt alot
Elvish Girl988: but like i said before.. i'm just the 'little sister' or best friend
Troy7Boy089: haha i dont see it that way
Troy7Boy089: its kinda weird that u 2 are related
Troy7Boy089: so different
Elvish Girl988: lol
Elvish Girl988: i love my brother lol people are always like do you fight alot i'm like no he dirves me places
Troy7Boy089: haha yea ur brother is cool
Elvish Girl988: if only he'd speak up more, and not be so self concious, cuz hes always like i'm fat and dumb and stuff and i'm like no your not
Troy7Boy089: haha no he got rachel richter for hc right
Troy7Boy089: hes hot stuff lol
Elvish Girl988: lol
Elvish Girl988: and he had hannah kamrath last year for prom
Troy7Boy089: yea i kno
Troy7Boy089: hes done pretty well
Elvish Girl988: hes doing better than me
Elvish Girl988: lol
Troy7Boy089: well i hope u wouldnt ask hannah or rachel
Elvish Girl988: lol yea
Elvish Girl988: that wouldbe kinda akward
Troy7Boy089: kinda hot!:-P
Elvish Girl988: lol
Elvish Girl988: that was horrible!
Troy7Boy089: yea i kno lol
Troy7Boy089: my sad
Elvish Girl988: ahh mr. ruth says that!
Troy7Boy089: i kno lol
Troy7Boy089: i luv it
Elvish Girl988: lol
Elvish Girl988: i'm sooooooo hyper! ]
Troy7Boy089: thats wonderful
Elvish Girl988: lol oh yea
Elvish Girl988: lol now i'm like super excited for the dance lol i completely forgot about it
Troy7Boy089: haha yea its gunna be fun
Elvish Girl988: i ran out of things to say lol
Troy7Boy089: haha
Troy7Boy089: me 2
Elvish Girl988: so hows life been treatin you?
Troy7Boy089: pretty good
Troy7Boy089: and u
Elvish Girl988: its been good
Troy7Boy089: thats splendid
Elvish Girl988: my mom bought splenda today lol i was like whoa when did we get that
Troy7Boy089: what is that
Elvish Girl988: i have no clue lol
Troy7Boy089: haha

so i hug out with chris today, it was great, i stole his wallet and kyle wouldnt leave me alone again lol
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