I know how Kerry Wood feels, but with less money

Apr 11, 2007 11:18

My Mother-in-law bought a Wii recently, and we've been spending a bunch of time over there.

I'm not pro in anything yet, as my great scores I get shorty after arriving deteriorate as my shoulder falls out of its socket. I try to pick it up and keep playing, but my scores just collapse. Fortunately my inaugural Wii fitness age is 35, which isn't too bad with the spotty practice I get.

My In-laws are a blast. The Guys laugh at all of my jokes (which either means they have a superior sense of humor or they have partial brain damage) and my sister in law is finally warming to me. My Mother-in-law always tries to pay for everything when we visit and has been very sweet to us.

Unfortunately, I don't think we should visit them again until I get rotator cuff surgery. The Wii will mess you up.
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