A-kun, A-kun~ I saw your face before. How precious you must be. Special and unlucky~ Wammy's you said. Now now, who is he? More answers, more questions, such games.
Ike-kun took such good care~ Let's be friends Ike-kun - even if you are so strange~
All of you - tell me of shinigami's. The gods of death, they're missing here. 'Eden' indeed.
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((Sure, I have nothing but time in the afternoons))
[I got the ok from Ari so we can do it. I wanted to know how you wanted to go about it- we can log right before it happened, or when it happens if you want to. Otherwise I can just make a post about where to find him and all the details needed, ect.
The only problem is the mindreaders like Anna and Hao. I'll see what I can do about it but I'd rather they not figure out Bel did it. I think I can safely say that BB can jumble his thoughts enough when they're around to keep them from figuring it out, we'll see though. There's Bel too.]
I don't think Hao will be a problem but Anna-mun thinks Anna would figure it out. I'd rather no one did but we'll see. She wouldn't tell at least, but still, having one person know could lead to others, which is obviously not what we want.
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