Unknown Witch Found Dead Outside Ministry Headquarters

Sep 01, 2004 18:33

Jeffery Fletcher
Political Correspondent

Early this morning the late shift Aurors getting off duty found the body of a currently unidentified witch lying near the exit to their training facilities. Initially Mediwizards were confused as to the cause, because the woman appeared to have no visible marks on her, but it was later revealed that she was killed by the Killing Curse, indicating Death Eater involvement. Further support for this theory came when the body was autopsied. It appears that the perpetrator cast the Cruciatus Curse before finally disposing of his victim. The use of two of the three Unforgivable curses leaves no doubt in DMLE investigator's minds as to who was responsible for this death. The question now seems to be, why? It is unlikely that question will be answered until the identity of the unknown victim is finally revealed.

Ministry officials, again, caution all witches and wizards to remain in groups, traveling in larger numbers for security, and to avoid unsavory locales such as Knockturn Alley. The Minister of Magic has come under fire again, in light of this most recent death, as the population asks what she is doing to stop such events from occuring. It has been many months since a successful mission has resulted in the arrest, or death, of any of You-Know-Who's supporters, and the mood in London seems to be one of fear and suspicion.

Anyone with any knowledge of this event, or who the victim might be, is urged to come forward. The Ministry assures confidentiality as to the identity of anyone who does so, hoping this will ease potential witnesses fears of retribution.
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