(no subject)

Jul 09, 2007 23:35

Here's what's true:

Caspian, along with a number of the other Narnian characters, is going to be retired from Milliways on Sunday, July 15th. This will leave the problems of a disconsolate Lorna and also no stablemaster, both of which are not to be wished for, for their own reasons, but the second can and will be addressed!

Now! I've waited a long while to try to work this out, and there was a reason: I wanted to see if any one character (preferably one Caspian knew) stood out in his or her devotion to the stables and the horses, as Caspian had when Susan Allgood left the charge of the stables to him. Despite waiting, I didn't see any particular pup stand out...but that doesn't mean none are up to it.

If you, or your pup, are interested in running the stables, please comment here and I will get in touch with you.

It's possible the care might need to go to a team rather than one master and lots of employees, and that's fine. But please be aware that this is something that will need to be ongoing, as a security appointment is and as bartending is. Caspian, in his time as stablemaster, has had to weather a good deal of problems and plots, and you must be able to realistically work out the affects of Milliways on its stables:

For example, I've Millicanoned a few paddocks built and moved around for the stallions, because Milliways has an utterly absurd amount of stallions and in any real stable they'd all be at each other's throats.

There are a lot of things to consider, but it is also very fulfilling and can be extremely good for your character.

Questions? Comments? Please direct them here.
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