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amarao_san в
Delayed Sleep Phase disorderhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_sleep_phase_disorder Да-да, это оно.
Выжимка в несколько слов: смещение времени "ложиться спать" на 2-3 и более часа, аналогично с просыпанием, проблемы с соблюдением "обычного расписания" (типа вставать в 7-8 утра). А дальше просто цитировать надо:
Occasional noncircadian days may occur (i.e., sleep is "skipped" for an entire day and night plus some portion of the following day), followed by a sleep period lasting 12 to 18 hours.
People with DSPD who force themselves to live on a normal 9-5 day "are not often successful and may develop physical and psychological complaints during waking hours, i.e. sleepiness, fatigue, headache, decreased appetite, or depressed mood.
При этом утверждается, что таких 3 на 2000 человек. Не верю.
Алсо, DSPD-friendly careers can include security work, work in movie theaters, the entertainment industry, hospitality work in restaurants, hotels or bars, call center work, nursing, manufacturing, emergency medicine, taxi or truck driving, the media, and freelance writing, translation, IT work, or medical transcription.
Всё сделал правильно. Алсо, в той же статье пишется просто про грядущий коммунизм и всеобщее счастье:
In the United States, the Americans with Disabilities Act requires that employers make reasonable accommodations for employees with sleeping disorders. In the case of DSPD, this may require that the employer accommodate later working hours for jobs normally performed on a "9 to 5" work schedule.[42]