Gotta wonder...

Nov 28, 2012 14:53

Here I am, watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith on FX, and I find myself wondering what Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff would think of it. Would they sit around nitpicking every little assassin world thing the movie does, or just laugh at the absurdity of it all and compare it to their own lives?

What can I say, I'm easily amused.

mcu, silliness, blackhawk, fandom

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Comments 15

gateraid November 29 2012, 06:56:50 UTC
Ah, I see, you're one of *them* too (the shippers), lol.

I wonder what they'd think of Skyfall? I'm pretty sure they'd pick up on the giant "how come?" question at the end of it quicker than i did ;)


the_scary_kitty November 29 2012, 21:38:45 UTC
What, this surprises you? *snerks*

They'd have WAY too much fun with Bond. They'd be MST3K-ing it like mad. LOL!


gateraid November 29 2012, 23:35:28 UTC
I should point out that I don't ship them. I recognise the ship, but I'm reserving judgement. Which is a shame, it seems like all the sparkys are leaping on board


the_scary_kitty November 30 2012, 01:14:42 UTC
Well, I'm not a hardcore Blackhawk shipper, not like I am with John/Elizabeth in SGA or Tony/Pepper in MCU. I do see Blackhawk and like what I see, but like you, I'm also kind of waiting to see what they do with Bucky in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. So... half and half, I guess. ;)


mathgirl24 November 30 2012, 01:07:54 UTC
Maybe Natasha would wonder why she has to wear such costumers while Angelina Jolie is a lot less dressed.


the_scary_kitty November 30 2012, 01:15:40 UTC
*snickers* Well, Natasha was a lot less dressed in the "Russian interrogation" scene early in The Avengers... XD


anuna_81 March 6 2013, 19:29:43 UTC
Actually there are a few fics about this. I can try and dig them out for you, there are links somewhere :D

Also, MCU better not touch Tony/Pepper and Clint/Natasha.


the_scary_kitty March 6 2013, 22:28:58 UTC

Also, MCU better not touch Tony/Pepper and Clint/Natasha.

No kidding! I'm gonna start a planetwide riot if they screw this up! *starts stocking the armory*


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