OMG, I'm scared of this movie now...

Oct 21, 2012 11:43

The Iron Man 3 Facebook page just posted a trailer for the real trailer that's going to be released on Tuesday and...

[OMG, I can't even… (SPOILERS!)]

image Click to view

OMG, PEPPER!!!!! O_o

Damnit, if they kill her off, I am going to be PISSED.

iron man, fandom

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Comments 10

anuna_81 October 21 2012, 19:00:38 UTC
I highly doubt they'll kill her off - and even if they intended it, I doubt they'd tease it with a trailer. Deep breaths. everything's going to be fine, Pepper will live, she and Tony will be happy together, as will Nat and Clint.... *sends positive vibes*


the_scary_kitty October 21 2012, 19:18:40 UTC
*flails and clings desperately* OMG, I hope you're right, I really do. *wibbles and clings some more*


gateraid October 22 2012, 05:45:56 UTC
If it's in the trailer, you can bet it won't happen. I didn't get that impression at all from that clip, if that's any reassurance. And besides - what would be the point in killing her off anyway?


the_scary_kitty October 22 2012, 15:04:50 UTC
What would be the point of killing her off? To spur Tony to go on some massive revenge spree against the bad guys, or some equally insane cliche like that. Trust me, I'm rolling my eyes right along with you.

Funny thing about what you said about it not happening because it was in the trailer-- in Iron Man 2, there was originally a completely different opening scene to the movie, and part of it was shown in the trailers. Then that entire scene was actually cut to make way for a completely new opening scene. Go figure.


gateraid October 23 2012, 06:16:49 UTC
I dunno, Tony seems like a seperate thing to Tony/Pepper (by that I mean they could do an entire movie without her in it if they really wanted as there is enough material without the relationship subplot, although obviously I'd prefer if she was there - it's the only role that I've actually liked Gwyneth Paltrow in). Killing her off seems an odd way to spur him into action - they could just have a throwaway line that riles him up, there's not really anything to be gained by throwing her under the bus.

I think they put that scene in specifically to make people think that. Heck, it's certainly a tv ploy - take a throwaway line in an ep that in isolation looks bad, but in context is completely innocent and not related to the story AT ALL, lol


the_scary_kitty October 23 2012, 18:45:33 UTC
Sure, they could do an Iron Man movie without Pepper, but it just wouldn't be the same, because they've invested so much into the development of the relationship between Tony and Pepper. Tony wouldn't be the same.

Personally, I think you're right that it's a throwaway clip and they're trying to get us all riled up. Especially now that the full trailer is up...

Hot damn, this is gonna be fun. :D


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