Fic: Sparky Drabble Trio

Nov 08, 2011 13:46

Title: Sparky Drabble Trio
Rating: G. Maybe a PG if you squint.
Pairing: John/Elizabeth. Duh.
Summary: Obscene Sparky cuteness, times three.
A/N: I wrote these a while ago for anuna_81, and was just waiting for the right time to post 'em. Why? Because Anuna stands for Awesome! You’re my partner-in-crime and fellow Sparky Sage, and you just make life FUN! So I wanted to give a little something back and bring a smile to your face as you always bring a smile to mine. I hope you enjoy your present! *BIG HUGE HUGS* :D


#1 - Stargazing

“Tell me again, John... Why did you drag me up here at two AM?”

“I wanted to show you something.”

“Couldn’t it wait until morning?”

“Some things are best seen at night.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “That has to be the worst pickup line I’ve ever heard.”

“Just you wait, oh ye of little faith.”

“Shouldn’t I at least know what I’m supposed to have faith in?”

John pointed up at the sky.


A pair of bright stars was rising over the water; one red, one blue.

“Rare and awesome planetary alignment. Like us.”

She smiled.

He kissed her.


#2 - Prickly

Elizabeth cooed in delight at the little creature shuffling across the path to the village. “It’s adorable!”

“It’s an alien hedgehog,” John whined.

She turned around, hands on hips. The rest of Sheppard’s team were standing behind him, trying not to laugh.

“So what?” she asked.

“So… they’re… prickly,” he finished lamely.

“So is the constant five o’clock shadow you won’t shave off your cheeks. But you don’t hear me complaining about that.”

“You are now.”

“No, I’m not. I think it’s sexy.” They both smiled, but then he frowned.

“Wait. Does that mean you think the hedgehog is sexy?”


#3 - Picnic

John glared out the jumper’s windshield at the rain, grumbling, “I even checked the weather before we left, too!”

“It was a very nice thought, though. I appreciate you going to all this trouble just for me.”

He looked back at Elizabeth, as drenched as he was, setting down the picnic basket on a bench at the back of the jumper.

“You’re never trouble,” he replied in that soft voice that always made her bones melt.

She smiled and pulled out the bottle of champagne. “It’d be a shame to let this go to waste.”

He grinned. “Happy anniversary, Elizabeth.”


stargate atlantis, fanfic, sparky

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