Almost that time again...

Jul 19, 2011 22:27

Final preparations for the annual pilgrimage to San Diego for Comic-Con are underway. Ticket confirmations for the con and my train are printed out, I've plugged my schedule and booths I want to check out into my iPod, gathered snacks and mad money to run amok in the exhibit hall, and I've even decided what to wear (assuming the weather cooperates).

Definitely NOT looking forward to the rat race that will no doubt unfold at pre-reg for 2012. Only open three hours each morning? They're insane if they really think people are going to go for that. At least they're finally offering single-day passes during at-con pre-reg.

I decided to cut back this year, so I'm only going Friday. Wouldn't you know it, there's not much on the Friday schedule I'm interested in. *snorts* To be honest, there hasn't been a lot on TV or film that has really grabbed my attention lately. But who knows, maybe I'll see something that sparks my interest. This year, I think I'm just going to kick back and enjoy watching the spectacle more than anything else. Which reminds me, I need to charge my camera batteries, too...

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

comic-con, via ljapp, fandom

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