My Precious!

Nov 08, 2010 18:41

As some of you know, I attended the Stargate convention near LAX this past weekend to see Joe Flanigan (again!)... Like last year, it was a riot of fun, and Joe was at his goofiest yet. Con report will be forthcoming, either later tonight or tomorrow. But tonight, there's an even bigger piece of news coming out of Fort Kitty...

I'm not sure how many of you in LJ land know about the auctioning of props, costumes and set pieces from SG-1 and Atlantis that have been going on all year, but I managed to score my holy grail item from the live auction held up in Seattle at the end of September: The little clay pot that John Sheppard gave to Elizabeth Weir for her birthday in Season 1's "Before I Sleep."  Heck, it's not just my personal SG holy grail, it's probably the holy grail of Sparky fandom. And after a quick trip up to Santa Ana this morning to pick it up, it's mine. All mine. My Precious! *cackles*

So to share some of the love, here's a couple of pictures I snapped this afternoon:


Apparently, my John and Elizabeth action figures decided they wanted to have some fun with the camera and the jar when my back was turned...

Elizabeth thanks John for a lovely birthday present...

And John gets his reward...

Yeah, I think we all knew that one was coming... ;)

stargate atlantis, action figure theatre, sparky, the precious, fandom

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