Smallville 9.05 - "Roulette"

Oct 23, 2009 21:40

Now that was an awesome episode!

Oliver Queen's downward spiral reaches the ninth level of Hell as he finds himself going from gambling away his money and even his car at a club, to getting suckered into some sort of twisted survival game by a slinky femme fatale named Victoria. He's drugged, locked in a coffin, chased by dogs, trapped in a car that's hit by a truck, shot at, arrested for murder, and has his bank accounts drained dry. Then when Lois, who's both pissed and worried that he's missed their traditional date of drinking beer and playing darts on his birthday, goes looking for him, she finds out that Ollie was frackin' suicidal when Toyman was gunning for him, and Clark knew about it and didn't tell her (hoo boy, Clark, way to end up on Lois's shit list!), and winds up smack dab in the middle of the game and bait in Victoria's trap for Ollie.

Except... it's not a game. The whole thing was an elaborate version of 'Scared Straight' engineered by none other than Chloe, who's out to smack some sense into Ollie. Holy shit! That chat at the cafe between Ollie and Chloe was really, really sweet with Chloe laying the tough love smackdown and Ollie finally getting his head out of his ass. And they both agreed that Clark just wouldn't understand. Heh.

The end result... Green Arrow is BACK!

Oh, and in a slight side storyline, Clark's had Chloe looking for the tatoo on that Kryptonian assassin that he killed earlier in the season yet turned up alive and well at the Ace of Clubs a week ago... and they've just found out that there's a bunch of Kryptonians who have landed on Earth. Yeah, Clark, you're neck deep in it now, boy...


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