Thinking thoughts...

Oct 18, 2009 13:21

Just saw Episode 12 of Defying Gravity, and damn! I wish this show was getting more publicity.

Now that the mystery with Beta and the other objects is heating up (quite literally, with Zoe following the sound of her baby crying hallucination and going AWOL on the surface of Venus, OMFGBBQ!), it's getting really exciting. This show is way better than SGU, which frankly had me bored out of my skull again on Friday... why the hell am I watching it again? Oh right, so I can snark about it.

Let's see, this week's problem aboard the Destiny is that they've just used up the last of their power, and they've dropped out of FTL, they tried to slingshot around a gas giant to check out a couple of possibly habitable planets, but they missed the mark and they're flying into a sun. And they're all gonna die. Again. Rush had a nervous breakdown. Oh, and let's not forget the gratuitous nekkid silhouette shots of Chloe in the "mist shower" or whatever the hell they're calling it, and then when she's out of the shower and trying to dry off in the not-so-dark.

The nifty shower idea was probably the only interesting thing in that episode, and I'll be shamelessly stealing it for any future Atlantis fic I end up writing. Other than that... yeah, epic suckage.

stargate, fandom

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