Joe Flanigan on Warehouse 13

Aug 04, 2009 19:39

Mind you, I haven't been watching this series at all, so really, I was just in it for the Joe. Why yes, I can be that shallow. ;)

The premise: Government agents track down mystical/alien/otherwise very very dangerous artifacts and lock them away so they can't be used by the unscrupulous. Pretty interesting, and the main cast seems okay, even though for the most part I don't know who anyone is. Oh well.

In this episode,  Joe guest stars as a philanthropist and collector of Native American artwork who is suspected of stealing a series of sculptures that apparently point to a mystic cave under Manhattan that contains artifacts that will confer great power on the person who finds them. He's innocent, of course; he's actually been trying to protect the sculptures to prevent an old coworker (of his late father's, I think? kinda missed that part. Oh, and daddy was himself was a con man, which cast further suspicion on Joe's character) from getting the artifacts for himself. Long story short, Joe's character teams up with the agents to stop the bad guy, which they do... by stabbing the guy with an arrow of air and making him explode. Don't ask.

Joe, as always, was totally HAWT and working the chin stubble, rumpled black suit and unbuttoned white shirt like only he can. He does cutely befuddled and earnest so very well. :D

joe flanigan, fandom

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