Stargate Atlantis 5.19 & 5.20

Jan 09, 2009 21:46

Missed the first airing of 'Vegas' last week as I was on the train back to California, so I saw it tonight before The Big Finale of Doom...

So, Stargate Atlantis decides to play CSI in an alternate universe. This one was actually pretty damn fun.

An 'I don't give a flying fuck about anything' John Sheppard who never got that second chance with a ticket onto the Atlantis expedition, now a washed up police detective? Delicious. And the field medic that he was involved with and died behind enemy lines in Afghanistan when John tried to save her and ended up crashing his chopper and killing a bunch of soldiers and civilians? I'm with the rest of Sparky fandom; she was Elizabeth Weir, damnit.

Woosley as an FBI agent and McKay in charge of the show was a hoot! And there wasn't even any McKeller to gag over... just a brief passing in the hall. Hah!

Vegas!John's death scene at the end was both sad and unsurprising. But at least now he's together with Medic!Lizzie.

And then came 'Enemy at the Gate." Mallozzi and Mullie strike again!

The entire story was really rushed through, it could have easily been a two-parter. And damn, they sure tried to cram in every cameo appearance they could! But the brief nod to Don Davis was a very nice touch.

The makeup people went waaaay overboard with the blush... Teyla and Keller (and Carter!) looked like they were running fevers, for pity's sake! Teyla's hair looked like it got one helluva bad hack job, too... that's one full circle that we could've done without.

So, Carter's getting command of the Phoenix George Hammond, just like in 'The Last Man.' Wow, they actually haven't swept the alternate timeline under the rug yet?

Ronon got to die in battle agains the Wraith, then got resurrected to fight another day. Good times.

CARSON gets to fly Atlantis back to Earth? And John gets to play in a 302 with another nuclear warhead suicide run? Cool!

At least they had the good sense to get the damn cloak up before the city splashed down next to San Francisco. They'd better get to go back to Pegasus for the movie. *headdesk*

That balcony scene at the end, with the music from the balcony scene at the end of 'Rising' was just one more reminder of what the hell has gone wrong with SGA. Elizabeth belongs there, you fucktards.

And of course, they took the opportunity to slide in a little promo at the end for Stargate Universe. Blah. More interesting was the commercial for the SGA DVD sets... gee, they actually showed Elizabeth (right before and during the blast by the fucking Replicator beam in 'First Strike')! Then they oh-so-cleverly tried to hide her image when they showed the S1-S3 DVD covers.

So, in the final analysis, SGA came in with a bang, and out with a whimper. What a damn shame.


stargate atlantis

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