Stargate Atlantis 5.17 - "Infection"

Dec 05, 2008 22:15

At least this one was better than last week!

The good: Lorne's here to play! Shep and Lorne going Wraith hunting on the hive was fun. Teyla and Ronon actually get to do and say some useful stuff for once! Shep going badass and ready to write off Todd, more than once. Shep whump! And Todd gets to live to make our heroes' lives difficult another day!

The bad: Wallpaper!Woolsey strikes again. Is it just me, or is anyone else worried about what a diseased and decaying crashed Wraith hive might do to the ecosystem on New Lantea (or whatever the hell they're calling the planet)? They'd better find some more ZPMs and fire up the hyperdrive before the seas boil and the mainland turns to jello, or some such thing.

The ugly: Keller is all whiny and emo about how hard her job is everything is all her fault (oh wait, that much at least is true!) and Rodney gets all snuggly to comfort her. *gags*

Next week: Yep, you guessed it. Keller's in trouble again. Thank the gods this show is almost over.

stargate atlantis

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