Comic-Con: Many Happy Returns...

Aug 04, 2007 19:42

So. Comic-Con 2007 has come and gone. I went, I saw, I got lots of swag. Awful lot of Stargate Atlantis swag; buttons, t-shirts, hats, posters. MGM and SciFi are obviously trying to plug the show and get higher ratings for next season, now that SG-1 is off the air. What TPTB on SGA don't seem to understand is that playing musical chairs with the cast is nothing more than a temporary publicity stunt and it won't win any new long-term viewers; it'll only drive away the loyal viewers they've already got. Idiots.

In regards to the battle of the panels, John Sheppard totally pwned Jack Bauer into the ground. I went to the SGA panel on Friday, and yes, Joe Flanigan was hawt as always. But the panel ended up being pretty much a Carter love-fest; no mention of poor Elizabeth Weir at all, aside from a couple of brief glimpses in the preview reel that was shown. Grr. The Save Carson Beckett brigade was out in force, though, complete with a bagpipe player! Very nice touch on their part, and I saw numerous SCB flags displayed by random fans throughout the convention both days I was there.

I did get a bit of a fangirlish thrill later on in the day when Flanigan actually stopped at the MGM booth down on the exhibit hall floor just to check stuff out. The man is pure hawtness poured into slouching black jeans and an artfully wrinkled linen shirt. Rawr. Was waaay too shy to pull my camera and get a pic of him... besides, I didn't want to be just like all the other fangeeks out there pulling their cameras and snapping candids of him; I'm sure the poor man gets enough of that already.

The Babylon 5: The Lost Tales panel was a total hoot. B5 fans are some of the best in the universe, and J. Michael Straczynski's the best damn scifi creator EVER. Seriously, TPTB at SGA (especially Mallozzi) could take a few lessons in tact and respect for the fans from JMS.

Saturday, I met up with a handful of Planeteers and much fun was had by all as we discussed life, Superman, and the pursuit of all things fangirlish. Did a few circuits of the exhibit hall but really didn't see anything that screamed out at me to buy it. More and more, I seem to go just for the experience. One of these years, I'm going to have to stay in town for the full con and try my hand at some cosplay...

The Smallville panel that night was also fun. Even with the obscenely long line, I still managed to get in. Lots of good news on that front; more Justice League (hey, more Ollie Queen is always good!), the intro of Supergirl, Lois getting to play at the Daily Planet... Looks like it's gonna be a great season.

smallville, comic-con, stargate atlantis, babylon 5

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