Name :: Matthew
Middle name :: Jebediah
DOB:: 19/01/82
Sexuality: Bi
Star Sign:: Capricorn
Age:: 23
Location:: N.O.Y.B.
Height:: 6'2"
Siblings:: None
Glasses or Contacts:: Neither
Braces:: N/A
Status:: Single, and Looking.
Fears:: Death, A lifetime alone
LJ SN:: the_scarred_one
My skin is pale... VERY pale... (think how pale Wonka was in that movie). I've always been sensitive to light and burned easily, which made living in my hometown, L.A., not a lot of fun. I moved to New York later, after running away from my relatives at the age of 16, and took up a job there. After that, my milky white skin didn't stand out so badly, and I felt a lot more self-confident. In warm regions, I'll always be seeking shelter, though. Now don't get me wrong, I spend enough time out in the sun to at least get that healthy glow it offers. No need to look like a great slimy maggot when I'm not one. Heh!
I am tall, and fairly skinny in the waist, and I have narrow shoulders (not really narrow though, it's more like a happy medium between between broad and narrow)). My fingers and toes are long and slender, and i wear a size 11 shoe. People have said I'm on the verge of looking anorexic before, but I can't really help it. I'm not sick, nor do I have an eating disorder, but I DO have a fast metabolism, and if I skip too many meals I can lose as many as 10 pounds in a week. Yes, it's not even funny,so I make sure I eat foods rich in proteins and the healthy fats... (no point giving myself a heart attack now). I have a fairly prominent collarbone, and everything about my form is meant for speed. I was on the track team when I was in school, after all. My long legs and slender build won the races for me. It pissed off the bullies too, when they could never catch me.
---My Eyes---
My eyes are creepy. I even get scared of my own reflection at times, if I'm not expecting a mirror to be around a corner. But, as creepy as they are, my eyes rival Michael Jackson's in their beauty. Long dark eyelashes, slightly slanted, wide almond-shaped eyes. They are such a dark brown that they are almost obsidian in color, but when I am mad, they light up to a brilliant copper like a demon's eyes. They're not natural, because of the way the colors seem to spiral when my moods change. In other words, you could drown in my eyes. Tyler even said that to me once, and I was very flattered by it. My eyes are accented by the fine arch of my eyebrows. Of my eyes, I am the most proud.
---My Face---
I have strong features for the most part. My jaw is sharp and angular, my nose is long and comes to a halt above my lips, which are somewhat fuller in the bottom lip than the top. My cheekbones are sharply defined, as is my jaw, and I have lost all the baby fat from my childhood. If you're looking for a sissy-ass pretty boy to go with you, you're barking up the wrong tree. I'm a man, and that's all you're going to get out of this whole thing. I havea scar over the right side of my face, mentioned in the "scars" section. Some people say I look like I'm from france, but I try to disguise my features as much as possible so they look American more than anything
My hair is coarse, fairly rough in texture, but it's not all dried out. AT times, on humid days, it can look a little greasy but it's nothing that a good wash can't cure. I wear it either down, around my neck as it goes to my mid-back, or I'll tie it back loosely in a low ponytail and leave it. Sometimes strands of hair fall out, but I leave them to create a carefree effect. When they're not looking at my eyes, people are looking at the inky blue-black color of my hair, and I often get the question of what dye I used. Sorry people, no dyes involved in THIS hairdo!
My clothes are usually deep greens, violets, blues... colors that compliment my eyes or my hair and make them stand out. I am a lover of silver jewellery, and I am a lover of all things leather or suede. Velvet is sin, in my opinion, and satin is quite nice, too. I like things to look elegant and classy, but at the same time I am not afraid to dress down, or dress naughty if I'm in the mood for seduction. But really, if you want a good image... think a slightly goth Wonka, with eyeliner and pierced eyebrows.
I am very soft-spoken and shy. If I raise my voice, which rarely ever happens, It is usually if I am irritated. I don't have any real prominent accents, but I have a slight hint of the Bronx accent in there that shows up when I'm nervous or excited. And, I believe my mother was from Paris, France.
Okay okay, I admit it. I'm french and I'm proud of it. I speak the language, I type the language... Yada Yada Yada... AT least I KNOW my family's language!
Fermez maintenant l'enfer vers le haut, Tyler!
I have only a couple prominent scarred areas, and otherwise my skin is flawless.
I have a scar that goes across my forehead in a jagged curve, down over my left eye in zigzags, and stops even with the right corner of my mouth. I used to hide my face by combing my hair down over it, because I got it from a very bad knife fight with... you guessed it, one of my own relatives. It's rather ugly, and I still don't like looking at it even though it's practically gone now. We didn't say a word about what happened, but when I started bleeding, my cousin took me to the hospital and they stitched it up pretty good. It is not raised, but rather slightly sunken in, so it looks deeper when I'm in low light.
I used to be what you would call a "cutter." Meaning I was suicidal and depressed, using sharp knives to make incisions on my arms. I never cut too deeply as to cause damage, but I did bleed a lot, and a few times, I even stopped breathing. My relatives hated me for it, said I was an attention seeker... when all I really wanted... was out. There are several parallel lines all up my forearms, and though they are nearly invisible, I still feel the pain of making them in my mind and in my heart.
And one random quiz thing...
Your Mood Ring is Magenta
Mood Ring Generator