I'm going to keep this pretty brief, because each of these will probably get it's own post, but I'm at work for the next hour and a half, my two co-workers who can watch the desk are missing (again), so I'm stuck on the computer and I can't really do anything but blog unnecessarily to keep myself awake.
Anyways, recently, I've started watching House M.D. Don't really know why, but it's become my new obsession. I was procrastinating in doing homework last weekend, and turned on Bravo (or... tuned into Bravo on my laptop, whichever is the more appropiate way of saying that) and there was a massive marrathon of House. So, it was either watching another pathetic reality love show on VH1, Law and Order (the normal one, not one of the cool, actually interesting ones) so I sat down and watched like 7 hours of House and really got into it.
It's a show I guess I never really gave much of a shot, due to my lack of watching TV and whatnot, but now I'm glad I'm giving it a chance. I'm watching whatever episodes I can get my hands on online, and pirating the rest until I have enough money to buy the seasons.
Though, this whole thing kind of makes me sad, simply becaue I hate watching TV, and now I'm back to watching TV because of it. Blarg.
Anyways, back to school. School kinda sucks for me right now. 4 8 week night classes, which just = murder. It's basically condensing what would normally be learned over 16 weeks and around 32 class periods (or 48 if your class meet more than twice a week) into 8 weeks... and 8 classes. And have four of them. They aren't too hard, but it's more information overload, and I don't have time to process any of it. I'm glad I did it though, since now I'll be graduating a bit earlier. But it still sucks.
I became recruitment coordinator for my sorority again. It's a big job, but I think I'm the only one calm enough to do it. Last time, the girls nearly tore each other apart and flipped out, and I was just there going "*sigh* It's going to be okay. So what if we don't have sprinkles for the ice cream? It's alright..."
I'm not sure if I'll be heading over to London in Spring. It all depends on if
r_uv is coming in Spring or not. If so, I'd like to be here with her for her first semester, and then I can just go in Summer. There's also a lot of things I wanna do during Spring as well (Vagina Monologues, MMRP, Humans Vs. Zombies, Recruitment, formal).
Oh, I'm getting off topic.
Anyways, Con season (well, con season for me anyways) is officially starting. Granted, Cons started back in Feb. with Nakacon and Kawacon, but my con season doesn't really start until Anime St. Louis, which is this coming weekend. (Though, I'll admit I'm not too pumped for it.)
After AnimeSTL I head out to Anime Central (assuming they mail me my damn badge) with some friends (not 100% sure who though... -nervous laughter-), and then after that things die down for a bit (at least con wise, I still plan on doing some traveling) and then I've got NatsuCon (which will hopefully be better this year), Tokyo In Tulsa and then Arcon, which is much later in the year.
I'm sure there will be some cons I wanna make it out to that I haven't thought of yet though.
Strangely, I haven't been downing myself in Anime and Manga and Video games as much as I usually do before a con. In fact, I haven't been really watching or gaming at all. Well, unless you count House.
Now I wanna con stalk Hugh Laurie... Hmm....