Stargate Atlantis

Mar 13, 2008 00:54

So, Season 5, eh?

After being drawn to watch the show (through Naye's LJ, admittedly ;) ), it really grew on me. Although only from about 3/4ers of Season 1 onwards. The first few Episodes were... Well... Let's call 'em "birth problems".

But ongoing character development and the actually happening internal development of Antagonists made the show really great.

I'm mid Season-3 now and will reach end of Season 4 approx at around April. So then I'll have to wait four or five months for the next season. Damn. I hate that.

Stargate has a tiny feature, probably non-existent for most viewers, which really makes me like the shows more because of it, simply because it's attendance to detail: The military characters actually get commendations and promotions from time to time. It's small. It doesn't make much difference. But when Dr. Weir actually really had problems to see Shepard go from Maj to LtCol and even referred to him as "Maj Sheppard" one or two times, as she was civilian, while the military members of the team got it right? That was cool.

So yeah, Naye, you infected me.
Damn you!

I owe you. :)
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