Books I'm not reading

Nov 01, 2012 05:32

Many of you know I don't read books.  I look things up in books, and read parts of books, but "Reading a book" is typically a task that defeats me.

"Oh,"  says that bit of the soul which is connected to that bit of the brain.  "I see where this is going."  And that's that.  The pleasure's just gone.  Of course I don't believe in souls separate from brains, but you know what I mean.  Figure of speech, the soul.  When I say "soul," that's all it is.

Started a couple of books last night.  I don't know if I'll make it back to them.  One by some Yank psycholinguist, and one by a Yank defence analyst who the jacket referred to as a "military futurist."  This morning, I feel quite sick, from my stomach on down.  Coincidence?

I gotta go back to school.  Wait, I think I did, just a little while ago.  Oh, yeah, my next class starts in a month.  Now I remember.  Gotta talk to my thesis supervisor about my continued existence on Earth.  Ethics, IRB approval, and some other shit.  Did anyone ever think I'd be doing nearly-experimental research on real human subjects?

I did enjoy reading something in a book on Control Systems Engineering on the train yesterday; more respectable, I guess, than the other things, and I really do need to get the hang of part of it, since keeping your job is the new getting a raise.  But really, I want to be reading something that'll make anyone who sees it write me off as uninteresting as quickly as can be managed.  Not that I imagine myself to need protection from interest, but these days (weeks-months-years) I can't bear the thought of being considered another case study in wrong things.
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