I'm not a reader

Jul 22, 2012 11:42

People tut-tut and shake their heads about how hard it is for families to live with a crazy person.  I feel for them, I really do.  But if you suffered because you lived with a crazy person, I'll just take it as read.  No need to convince me.  There's compassion fatigue, and then there's compassion anaphylaxis.

Gone on another library binge, from EPL and the U of A.  There's another month until school starts.  One of these days I have to start on my capping project.  Somehow I've got to move across campus.

And I need to go back to Active Components-- but only on the company's time.  Anyone who doesn't believe we evolved from an ape-like ancestor neds to just watch me troubleshoot a circuit.  It's like the apes at the monolith in 2001 A Space Odyssey.  When shit works, I'm throwing bones up in the air every time.
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