"The big white welfare wagon"

Jan 17, 2012 20:21

...is what a former colleague of mine called the bus.  I'm so judgemental of people, on the basis of how they act on the bus.  Maybe I need my meds dialed up some.

Another acquaintence of mine always sits down in the first seat available, even the ones with the "Please leave these for the frail and fucked up" sign above.  I've stopped sitting down with him.  I just feel like a shit, sitting at the front of the bus when there's seats at the back.  I can't get over it.  Do I think badly of able-bodied people who sit at the front, when there's space further back?  Well, yes, but then I think so much more badly of so many other people for other things.  This is pretty trivial, in my catalogue of reasons to think poorly of my fellow slaves lashed to the wheel.

Not moving back when the seats are full, and there's plenty of standing room behind you, and a line of people waiting to get on-- trying to get on, even-- used to bother me a lot more before I just started shoving on past.  Yes, I'm being judgemental.  But they're being stupid.  ("People are trying to get on.  What's the fucking matter with you?")  And of course people stand right in front of doors they're not going to pass thruogh any time soon.  Infuriating.

But I'm infuriated about so many things that this is pretty mild.

I'm the only person in the office who votes NDP.  And I was in Fort McMurray a while ago, and people talked about global warming.  I'm so glad I'm home riding the bus while my good friends sit at the front and others block the aisles.

Even though there are ads on the bus for women's razors.  Not to mention the pictures of happy fetuses in the train station.  Don't get me started.
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