Fic Headers

Apr 12, 2009 13:03

Just popping in with my mod's hat on to post a bit of a reminder...

When posting fic to the comm, could members please remember to keep their headers in the format set out in the comm's guidelines. By using the same format every time readers are able to easily find the information they want before starting to read the story. It also helps the archivists of the Circuit Archive and Pros-Lib greatly if authors could specifically indicate whether they want their stories to be saved in those archives or not.

Just to jog your memories then, here are the guidelines:

In order to facilitate the automatic archiving of fic on The Circuit Archive and Pros-Lib we have compiled a header which MUST be used when posting fanfiction so that all parties have the necessary information beforehand. Members posting fanfiction without this header will be reminded and required to edit their posts.

Format: (drabble, short story)
Circuit Archive: yes/no (indicates whether permission is given for archiving)
Pros-Lib: yes/no
Warnings: (*)
Disclaimer: I do not own Bodie, Doyle etc.

* Warnings: Whilst we understand that longer works of fiction may contain plot-twists and warnings may be seen as spoilers, we ask you to understand that readers often choose to avoid certain genres of writing and so we ask that if your story contains any of the following, that it be added into the “warnings” category of the header;
Rape (all rape)
Character death (only main character death i.e. Bodie, Doyle, Cowley)
Non Bodie/Doyle pairing (such as Bodie/Murphy or Doyle/Cowley etc.)
Blood-play, BDSM, S&M (or any other EXTREME fetish)

Thanks to everyone for their cooperation. It's very much appreciated!

mod post

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