Pros FandomCards 2022

Oct 22, 2022 15:19

Christmas is definitely getting earlier every year these days, and I'm succumbing to it for Pros, partly because there are still mad things going on with various postal services around the world, and partly because - well, have you seen the news lately? World news, UK news... the news? I'm very much feeling the need to kick off the 12th year of the Pros FandomCards exchange. *g*

Pros FandomCards is a December/Christmas/Winter/Solstice/Celebration-of-your-choice game where Pros fans exchange greetings via old-fashioned post. It's open to everyone, and simply involves sending at least one (but as many as you like) Pros-based cards/creations to the person/s assigned to you. In return you receive Pros-based cards/creations through your letterbox - extra little pieces of happiness in (we hope!) December.

The exchange started in 2011, and has run every December since then - the link takes you to the Safehouse tagged posts, so you can get an idea of what's going on if you're not sure, and/or inspiration, or just to look at the pretty pictures. *g* It's fun and December-y and it's always nice to get old-fashioned post - especially lads-y post. *g*

Participants will be assigned (via email) a recipient to whom they should send a Pros FandomCard to be received in December. This could be anything - a Christmas card with a picture of the lads tucked inside or on the front, a Yule card with a knitted George Cowley peering from a cut-out chocolate Christmas log, a booklet of CI5 meditations to celebrate Bodhi Day, a Pros drabble for Kwanzaa - it's entirely up to you and your creativity. Your card could be signed by the sender, or the lads themselves, or just in the spirit of December and Pros *g* - as a sender you can choose to be anonymous, or be as open as you wish - whatever you decide.

There's no specific guidelines, or requirements for an exotic imagination or craft box - it's having something arrive through the post that's the important thing, reminding us that we're all still here, and part of our Pros fandom together, and that we can share some Pros happiness no matter what else is going on. You will be given a few preferences from your recipient, such as favourite pairings/characters, and any particular festivals they celebrate, and it would be kind if you could follow these preferences (if I mismatch anyone, please let me know).

In return for sending something, you of course also become a recipient, and should receive something happily Pros to your postbox at some time in December!

You can sign up to send as many Pros FandomCards as you like - although I can't guarantee that you'll receive the same number as you send out, because it will depend on sign-ups, but it's mostly worked out that way in previous years. The only guarantee is that all participants should receive at least one Pros FandomCard - but in theory, your letterbox could be stuffed full of them... *g*

To sign up, please comment below - all comments are screened, so you and I will be the only people who can see your reply - including:
1) Your real life name and address (ones the postie will be able to deliver to)
2) Email address to which I should send your assignment
3) Character likes (e.g. B/D, D, B, George Cowley, Julia, Jax, B/C, B/D - "any" is also okay!)
4) Any specific festival that you celebrate (e.g. Christmas, Hanukkah, Saturnalia, Yule... or None, or Any - it's up to you!)
5) Happy to post internationally if necessary? (Yes/No)
6) Number of Pros FandomCards you'd be happy to send (As above, this may not correspond with how many you receive).
7) Other notes - e.g. if you need your card to be received in disguise, with no sign of B/D until you open it inside, because your other half/third/quarter doesn't quite understand how pretty the lads are when they smooch... *g*

I won't reply to the sign-up comments on lj, because that unscreens them, but I'll email confirmation to the email address you provide. If you don't have an lj, or if you really don't want to post your details online, even screened, then you can do it all by email and send them to me instead, at slantedlight at g mail dotcom (but formatted properly, obviously!)

Sign-up deadline - midnight (GMT) Monday 31st October (Lad's time, for my own sanity... *g*). I'll try and email assignments by Sunday 6th November, so we have as much time as we can to get our cards into the post.

It's not impossible to accommodate late sign-ups, but it's a bit more complicated, so if you can sign up by the deadline it would be appreciated (and everyone's more likely to get more cards... *g*) Feel free to pass this on to Pros-y people who aren't on lj too - the more people joining in the very merrier. *g*

I hope that's everything, but if I've forgotten something or you have any questions, then do let me know!

fandomcards exchange

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