Oooh... MS on stage again!

Jun 10, 2019 18:04

I'm supposed to be working desperately today to catch up, but I took a moment to read the pros_newsletter (thank you as ever to bordosnoopy, who is doing a great job) - and look! MS is on stage again this October, and having missed the American-president one (I can never remember the title...) I for one am determined to see this one! Plus - Victorian murder-mystery? Much more my thing! Hurrah!

(PS - Mods! kiwisue and constantmuse! Could someone possibly sort or be given access to sort the tags at Safehouse - posts are getting lost, which is such a shame...) Worst-case scenario (because they don't cover everything), maybe members could be given access just to choose from the tags that already exist?

ms - other, not-pros ms - misc stage

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