Today I have some pics out of "The Rack". Enjoy!
Like an old couple... bored and not talking to each other ;-)
I think she is a real good actor! (Lisa Harrow, I didn't know her name before)
The Menacing Three ;-)
Ohh that's really a bit too close to a strange man...
...isn't it?
Gordon Jackson and his monologue. A brilliant performance I think.
Uh... some very tight... clothes. Yes, clothes.
* Major Warning: Death Fic Following! Well... a potztausend death fic *
"I thought you'd be off by now. Eh? Organic food in the belly, working out."
"What for? So I can rupture somebody else's body?"
"That was an accident."
"Yeah, that's right. I killed that bird by accident!"
"Now look, Ray, I was there, right? The bird's death could have happened anywhere."
"You know what they made of me, don't you? I killed a bird!"
"Ray, tomorrow we are going to buy a new budgie for you, and everything will be o.k., won't it?"
"A pink one."