Time to test your acute and highly-trained powers of observation (with or without the slash goggles) on “Man Without A Past”.
1. When the bomb explodes, Bodie is:
a. at the bar
b. powdering his nose
c. on the telephone
2. To interview the girl who worked with Sally Pendle, Doyle tells her boss he is:
a. a detective sergeant from the Drugs Squad
b. her gay best friend
c. an ex-boyfriend just back from the Arctic after a six-month patrol in a nuclear submarine
3. The two American agents work for the:
a. FBI
b. CIA
c. IRS
4. According to Forrest’s false identity, he was born in
a. Canada
b. Jersey
c. Pinner
5. Cowley knows Forrest is bogus because he never had a:
a. passport
b. ration book
c. marriage certificate
6. Peter Crabbe’s young accomplice is named:
a. George
b. Arthur
c. Archibald
7. Which kitchen store cupboard ingredient does Doyle use as an offensive weapon?
a. pepper
b. marmite
c. vinegar
8. Bodie visits the hospital with a bouquet for
a. Ray
b. the pretty nurse
c. Claire
1. c 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. c
Your score:
0-2 An exploding bouquet
3-5 Twelve red roses from Bodie
6-8 Twelve red roses from Bodie to Doyle