Sep 25, 2011 21:56
Got the lawns mowed, the shrubs cut back from the walkways, the garden beds weedsprayed, old clothes thrown out, quite a lot of sleep, a lot of washing done, shaved off the beard and got a much shorter haircut, cleared some floorspace, cleaned the ensuite, and re-read Seanan McGuire's Sparrow Hill Road series.
I'm feeling a bit more balanced, too. It helps that we're into the summer side of the equinox, and that combined with the trimmed vegetation front and back give a brighter, smarter aspect to the house. My own personal season may be winter, but the Australian flavour of summer is baked into my very being. Despite the occasional rainburst, we're approaching the time when I'll be able to look up at that domed sapphire furnace and feel it burn me down to the bones, charring away everything but the most simple, cleanest core of pure self.