Aug 19, 2010 00:10
Car serviced. New tyres all around. Lawns mowed and de-weeded (li'l suckers were getting near three feet high in places), brick paving de-subterreanean-tree-rooted, and possibly the side door fixed (haven't checked).
Back in the black, if barely, on the timesheet at work. Despite an impromptu two hour team lunch to 'finally' farewell someone who hasn't actually been in the building since before I started there. And I'll probably eat that positive time store and more tomorrow when I have to leave early.
Saw _Scott Pilgrim_ at the movies. Kind of fun, in a spot-the-comic-book-panel-and-video-game-trope way. The romantic sub-plots were just a mess, though. And the character I actually sympathised most with was Kim.
Our temp boss at work has been temporarily replaced with a temp temp boss. Fortunately, the team gets along with her. Less fortunately, she's very into short-term, temporary fixes instead of comprehensive repairs. It's exactly that kind of thinking which has driven this particular employer deep into the infrastructural dungheap over the last several years, and why everything now takes twice as long and twice as much money to accomplish.
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