Still trying to get the home LAN sorted out

Dec 14, 2009 23:15

So the wireless PCI card I have access to can be seen by the gateway software, and identified perfectly, but it won't actually _work_ with the standard install. Opinion on how to make it work differs wildly all over the net. Yay.

Working my way down the list of configurations available to me, and getting to about #784, I try building an XP box to act as a router to my main workstation. The absurdity of this statement gives you some idea of the particular combination of hardware and software incompatibilities and lacks-thereof I have discovered over the last week using a process known as "finding out the hard way".

And of course XP won't install if it can't detect the hard disk, but if it can detect the hard disk then it hangs with a blank screen somewhere during the initial hardware discovery process.

I should mention that this box had been running W2K perfectly well for years up until a few days ago...

I'd format the disk to clear it of the rather odd combination of gunk that it's been subjected to over the previous 48 hours, as I suspect the boot loader on it is contributing to the issue, but do you think I can find a single floppy disk anywhere in the house?

This kind of luck is frickin' typical of what I've been having. If there had been more than a single phone point in the new house, if I hadn't broken my compatible-with-everything monitor, if my indestructible USB drive hadn't chosen today to become dead plastic, if the wireless card I had was a little more compatible with the gateway's default install, if there was a definitive way on the net to make it work, if the hard drive on the spare box wasn't causing this most recent screwup, if the internet and wireless didn't keep dropping out in turns just after I thought for the 37th time I'd got them sorted, if I had the budget to just go get another WAP or more compatible WiFi card or a USB WiFi stick (any of which would solve the problem), if I just had one single floppy disk to hand, if-if-if.

Bloody hell. It's like a comedy of errors, only immensely drawn-out, frustrating, boring, stupid, and aggravating. For want of a nail, indeed.

reactions-ugh, reactions-annoyed, hobbies-computers, reactions-adversity, location-domestic, reactions-irritated, reactions-argh, reactions-oh come on

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