Sep 23, 2008 03:09
If I absolutely have to work (as opposed to doing some kind of billionaire playboy thing), I was thinking it would be nice to do IT helpdesk work but actually bill for the services provided.
If I can work four times faster than the average helpdesker (and I've been clocked at this speed before), train existing staff to work at this speed, chop workflow processing flows in half, and diagnose incoming patterns to slash first-response requirements, all while taking up the floor space and operational costs of a single person instead of a complete work team, then depending on the team and the circumstances I could be providing a million dollars a year or more of value.
But no-one's ever going to hire a phone monkey for $250K plus performance bonuses.
So I really need to find a way to advertise myself as a complete solution provider, cost cutter, and revenue generator. A specialist contractor.
The question being - who should I pitch to? Who can make the decision to hire that set of skills for that kind of money? CIOs? So how and where do I get my info in front of them?