Phone outage again

Jun 21, 2008 00:53

For the second time since switching to this provider, we have no dial tone in our landline. Call the 24-hour fault line on a mobile...

"Our phone has no dial tone. ADSL on the same line is still up, no dial tone. We have landline and a cordless base station on it."

Can you unplug everything but the landline? (aka a quick hangup if caller is calling from one of the affected phones, or if they have to go spend ten minutes disconnecting everything)

"On a mobile phone, and already pulling the everything-but-the-landline plug as we speak. Given the symptoms. I expect it to have no effect. Aaaand... it had no effect."

Can you dial the landline number on your mobile? (aka a quick hangup if the caller has to use the phone they're calling on to test this)

"In anticipation of this very question, I have a second mobile phone here. Testing... oh look, a busy signal. Like last time."

Sounds like someone pulled a wrong wire in the exhange.

"I'll refrain from asking the obvious questions about why my particular wire in the exchange seems to have been placed so that people have pulled it on two separate occasions in ten weeks, or even why it's not labelled 'do not pull without first checking with user or provider', or even why there are people allowed in the exchange who pull wires AT ALL without finding out if they're in use, and skip to the bit where you tell me how long it will take for my service to be restored."

We might be able to have Telstra assign someone to put it on their schedule by Tuesday or so.

"So, not so much with the We'll have someone at the exchange in the morning, O Valued Customer, and more of the We'll use a process known to delay this until the middle of next week, huh?"

Bloody hell. It's not as if I'm asking someone to go out to the exchange in the middle of the night and reconnect what I'm paying for. Tomorrow is more than fine. Heck, just pop it on the appropriate person's list of 'Things to do after coffee' - I don't mind. I didn't even suggest that the person attending the site stick a label on my cable saying "Do Not Unplug, For The Third Time", or maybe gaffer-tape the ends in. Or, y'know, simply not string it across the front door jambs at ankle height.

What kind of crap exchange is set up so that people's lines can be ripped out in a second but not restored for four friggin' days? What happens when this kind of crap is pulled on people who don't have cell phones and internet to fall back on?

reactions-miffed, location-domestic, reactions-idiots, consumerism, reactions-annoyed, reactions-adversity

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