1. my username is________ because ________.
the_s_guy, because I wanted to have an LJ name which was separate from the multitudinous other names I go by in various corners of the net, and this name (and journal) is more closely related to my RL self.
2. my name is ________ because _______.
what it is simply because I was named after a friend of my parents.
3. my journal is titled ______ because __________.
any one of a number of things, depending on what season and year it is. I have a couple more titles lined up for future use. Currently, it's named after a line from a Tom Smith song - I think it's a fantastic phrase, something with really rich imagery, and it fits my somewhat chaotic approach to life rather well.
4. my friends page is called ______ because ___________.
What Others Think, because I use the flist tool mainly to get an idea of how other people perceive the world. I never even conceived that it could be seen as some kind of relationship indicator or schoolyard political statement until I delved into the more wangsty areas of LJ. The majority of entries on my flist got on there purely because I was really, truly, interested in what someone had to say and/or the fascinating way they said it. Even now, I don't add journals to the list if they're rarely posted to or don't catch my attention, even if I personally like the people who write them. As a result, my flist is first and foremost Journals I Love To Read.
5. my default userpic is _______ because _________.
Cat of a Different Color, by April S Parks (
aprilparks.com and
epilogue.net). I'm fairly feline in my approach to life, I like deep blue and bright green when constrasted with black, and the garish artificial colours were me to a T. If I were an animal, I would be this animal. I tend to use the icon for almost every post on LJ, even when one of my others would be more suitable. Partially, this is because it's a very distinctive colour scheme and I can pick my own posts out of a thread even when I'm scrolling it at fifty posts a second. Mostly, the other icons are used for throwaway posts, one-liners, or when their appropriateness is too overwhelming to not use them.