What to do, what to do.

Oct 13, 2007 21:34

Well, it looks like next week will have a big ol' not much on the schedule after monday.

I dare say something will turn up. It usually does. And there's always stuff like early Christmas shopping that I could get started on.
Or finishing wiring up the den, now that it's been cleared of floor-junk and I have some more power boards.
Or signing up for exercise classes, Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates etc.
Or buying furniture for the den so I don't have to sit on a dining chair.
Or planning the ever-receding house party.
Or clearing away the weeds growing up through the bricks.
Or putting down anti-ant stuff before we're overrun.
Or deciding where to buy some new computers to replace the ancient boxes currently serving the household.
Or setting up that flippin' backup solution for the younger brother.
Or learning how to play the guitar.
Or practising drawing.
Or getting an art table to practise drawing at, seeing as how I have almost no free horizontal surface with correctly angled lighting.
Or finishing reading those books I've been halfway through for months.
Or sorting out the past ten years of paperwork which has been scrambled through moving house and neglect.


list-indexes, reactions-cruising, location-domestic, reactions-unexpected

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