America, Fuck Yeah!

Nov 30, 2006 19:45

Violent Acres. Not for the thin-skinned.

Running across this site mentioned in Digg, I had a squiz back through the archives. I think I prefer the newer articles, though. A chunk of the older stuff was simply throwing crap at other sites and people, and crap-throwing is 90% of the internet. Not interesting.

I find the writer mildly fascinating in a sort of "Oh, so this is what an American Republican is _supposed_ to be like" way. You know, when they're young and consumed with fire and bile and focused on damn well making sure they and theirs are OK, Jack, and the rest of the world better damn well back off or it'll be sporting teethmarks. You gotta admire the tenacity and focus, if nothing else.

At least now I can see where the old, self-centred powerfuckers might have been originally coming from. The experiences, the hard lessons, the righteousness, and the same underlying fault; a deliberate refusal to acknowledge that not everyone's life is like theirs, that not everyone with a different lifestyle is stupid, that different people have different priorities, and that the world would not really be a better place if everyone was Just Like Them.

(The corresponding fault of what's generally referred to as the Left, of course, is that everyone should be allowed to do everything they want without interference or guidance, right up to the point where people fall off the edges of society because there was no-one there for them, not even the government. Safety nets are a good thing, but they're finicky to fine-tune.)

I'm a bit more Left than most (as such things are measured), but it's nice to gain an insight into where the other camp's roots lie, and be able to say "Yeah, I can see how they got that way now." Parts of the mindset are even seductive, fun, promising less stress and more laughs, at the cost of some rough edges. It's the SUV attitude - I'm OK, screw the rest of you if you can't afford my level of protection. And at times, who hasn't wanted to tell the world to go jam itself up its own arse?

Righteous Republicans, man. It's like mental Super Saiyan.

politics, reactions-curious, reactions-musing, introspection, links

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