The Filth and the Fury (or: Christmas)

Dec 24, 2006 07:04

Are you listening to the above track? If not, do it. Seriously. Set it on loop, because without it this entry is just another dysfunctional [rummy] family Christmas.

Is it playing?


I dropped Creature off at his mom's house so he could visit with them and I could use the car to haul lampshades around for the church. Don't ask. By the time I got home it was about 1:30 in the morning.

At about two, I was on the computer half-assedly Hollowing and filling out some paperwork for school when I saw what I thought was headlights from the neighbors driveway. About six or seven times for a half hour or so.

2:30, I heard gravel crunching outside my window, and the light becomes more focused. I thought it was the Creature until the flashlight, then I just assumed that one of my asshat neighbors was peeping again and was ready to go storming outside with a rifle. If that cop hadn't rang the doorbell, I would have fired a few warning shots in the air. Could you imagine the fucking mess that would have been? Rummy has a bad decorum with cops.

Apparently there was a call that [Rummy's address] had a domestic disturbance. I told him that everyone else was asleep, that I had my brother's small children in bed and there was no way I could have called because I was on the internet. I asked the name of the caller, and he said it was Deadbeat Brother and Friend of Deadbeat Brother's Baby Momma #2. Apparently Deadbeat Brother's Baby Momma #2 (or DBBM#2) had kicked him in the face at a company Christmas party.

Great. So these people are going to be in jail on Christmas, which I have to explain to the parents (which admittedly, WOULD be easier than explaining why I had opened fire on a police officer) while watching an infant, a toddler and a six year old. Not that I'm the best aunt in the world, because I am or I wouldn't have let them watch "that movie with the Santa that does this *kicking motion* You'll shoot your eye out!" and spend the week in the first place. But shit, I don't want my brother kicked in the fucking face! Considering every girl he's ever been with has been in some way abusive...

So I invited the cop inside and let him use my phone, because it was fucking COLD out last night and Dado only had on a longsleeve shirt with his uniform, and found out exactly what had happened.

I'll spare you the details because I'm tired as a motherfuck, but it ended up with me running down a hill in jammies and wet hair, finding out Deadbeat Brother's GOOD girlfriend has cancer, Deadbeat Brother admitting he needs to go to AA (said with, literally, a shoe imprint on the side of his face and a gun in his hand) and my dad telling me that sometimes, it's better that things just don't make sense.

Merry fucking Christmas, ya' filthy animals.
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