Should we lock up conservatives in concentration camps?

Dec 01, 2013 23:01

I feel like at this point it would be the gentlemanly thing to do. Its been ages that they've been screaming about conspiracies and Liberal Agendas and yet nothing has come of it. From death panels to FEMA camps to the really big conspiracy it'd actually take to get everyone to go along with faking a place of birth. You'd think there'd at least be some sort of failed liberal coup or something, but nothing!

Its kind of embarassing. I mean some people have to actually believe it. They have to believe that their nephew, or their brother, or their friend at work is really an evil psychopath that's part of some big conspiracy to defaud them of their rights, but those things come from somewhere. There's also the people who come up with it. Why? Do they ultimately want to make conservatives look fools? Have they reached a point where winning politics comes before morality?

Someone forges Obama birth cirtificates. What's the purpose? They know they're lying don't they? Do they not care because its for The Cause? If you're going to trade your values for winning politics, maybe you shouldn't be doing politics though.

But there's also the Earnest Victims. The conservatives that want SO BADLY to be the victim of some huge conspiracy. Some excuse to explain why they aren't successful, or that America isn't the more perfect nation that ever existed. Maybe we need to make a conspiracy. We could have a secret handshake and everything! It might be fun. Then we could put all the conservatives in work camps. They could be nice work camps. Maybe an hour of work a day weaving baskets? And purely voluntary too. I'm sure it would make them feel so finally justified, and we could get some lovely baskets out of the deal too.

bad ideas

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